ethylene glycol metabolism
===Ethylene glycol metabolism. ethylene.gif
Metabolism of Ethylene Glycol in the Liver. [Adapted from Hall, 1992 (Hall
Fig: Metabolism of Ethylene Glycol. If untreated, ingestion of only 30 to 60
Figure 2: Metabolism of ethylene glycol
Ethylene glycol metabolism
The metabolism of ethylene glycol, illustrated in the diagram below,
Metabolism of ethylene glycol. LDH=lactate dehydrogenase; TPP=thiamine
As a car radiator coolant As a medical and is Diagnoses workup emedicine ethylene-glycol-poisoning- details As a condition resulting from the rapidly
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This CICAD on the environmental aspects of ethylene glycol
Propylene Glycol Metabolism in Mammals. From Christopher et al. (39).
Ring closure of (XIII) with ethylene glycol ditosylate (XIV) and subsequent
Phosphorylated Propylene Glycol Metabolism in Mammals. From Ruddick (49).
This is a potentially life-threatening ingestion of ethylene glycol
Ethylene Glycol Metabolism
Liver metabolism is responsible for 80% of the absorbed dose of ethylene glycol.
Figure 1: Biotransformation pathways of ethylene oxide (adapted from ECETOC,
Ethylene Glycol Disposal. Cooling-system antifreeze,epa has its difficult to
(2004) studied the metabolism of [3H]quinolinic acid, [14C]nicotinamide,
Oddly, cases of ethylene glycol ingestion have also been reported without
initial steps in the metabolism of ethylene glycol and methanol to their